Chuck twisted my arm over lunch. He told me how he had “sold his book of business” to a local financial planning firm resigned his broker’s agreements and planned to “sorta retire” and concentrate on the other parts of Chuck Jones & Associates.
Circumstances had changed and he needed to re-invent himself holding on to the name visibility built over a half century in the business.
We started with the basics.
Name: We took advantage of the recognition he had built up over the years and combined his signature with the new service. Chuck immediately bought the URL to begin establishing a new consultant brand
Position: years of service led him to marketing the brand using this direct statement:
Financial Second Opinions for Men & Women of merit who want to be sure their financial plans match their life plans.
When you have the experience, you write a book marketing it on your website with this copy:
Chuck’s Sage Advice:
Here's the deal: This little gem is chock full of suggestions that can save you hundreds if not thousands. You pay the handling & shipping and it's yours FREE.
You give it away to generate interest in your offer and as brand proof you know what you're talking about.
You speak at retirement homes and any venue that gives you an audience that has concerns. You continue networking with people that take an interest in business and building the community.
You advertise in publications that reach the affluent such as the symphony program, the opera program, concert guides and arts guides. You do it regularly
You test the appeals, the copy and the visuals to find which generate action.
And test again.
You don’t give up.
You stay with it as the consultant brand slowly builds and government action makes the offer even more appealing.
We believe every person or couple putting money away for the future needs honest answers about the plan someone is selling them. They need advice from an independent auditor... a second opinion.
Chuck was able to downsize his operation and continue in a business in which he had become well-established. His known expertise was transferred to this new consultant brand
Unfortunately, his wife developed Alzheimer's and now requires most of his attention.